NumPy - right_shift() 函数

numpy.right_shift() 函数将数组元素的二进制表示中的位向右移动指定位置,并从左侧追加相同数量的 0。

import numpy as np 

print 'Right shift 40 by two positions:' 
print np.right_shift(40,2) 
print '\n'  

print 'Binary representation of 40:' 
print np.binary_repr(40, width = 8) 
print '\n'  

print 'Binary representation of 10' 
print np.binary_repr(10, width = 8)  
# Two bits in '00001010' are shifted to right and two 0s appended from left.

它的输出将如下所示 −

Right shift 40 by two positions:

Binary representation of 40:

Binary representation of 10

❮ NumPy 二进制运算符