ReactJS - 添加费用
打开 ExpenseEntryItemList.js 并从 redux 库导入 connect。
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
接下来,导入 Formik 库..
iimport { Formik } from 'formik';
接下来,从 router 库导入 withRouter 方法。
import { withRouter } from "react-router-dom";
接下来,从我们的操作库导入 addExpense。
import { addExpense } from '../actions/expenseActions';
constructor(props) { super(props); this.initialValues = { name: '', amount: '',spend_date: '', category: '' } }
validate = (values) => { const errors = {}; if (! { = 'Required'; } if (!values.amount) { errors.amount = 'Required'; } if (!values.spend_date) { errors.spend_date = 'Required'; } if (!values.category) { errors.category = 'Required'; } return errors; }
handleSubmit = (values, setSubmitting) =< { setTimeout(() =< { let newItem = { name:, amount: values.amount, spendDate: values.spend_date, category: values.category } this.props.addExpense(newItem); setSubmitting(false); this.props.history.push("/list"); }, 400); }
- 使用 addExpense 方法添加费用项目
- 使用路由器历史记录方法移动到费用列表页面。
接下来,使用 Formik 库创建的表单更新渲染方法。
render() { return ( <div id="expenseForm"> <Formik initialValues={this.initialValues} validate={values => this.validate(values)} onSubmit={(values, { setSubmitting }) => this.handleSubmit(values, setSubmitting)}> { ({ values, errors, touched, handleChange, handleBlur, handleSubmit, isSubmitting, /* and other goodies */ }) => ( <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}> <label for="name">Title <span>{ && &&}</span></label> <input type="text" id="name" name="name" placeholder="Enter expense title" onChange={handleChange} onBlur={handleBlur} value={} /> <label for="amount">Amount <span>{errors.amount && touched.amount && errors.amount}</span></label> <input type="number" id="amount" name="amount" placeholder="Enter expense amount" onChange={handleChange} onBlur={handleBlur} value={values.amount} /> <label for="spend_date">Spend Date <span>{errors.spend_date && touched.spend_date && errors.spend_date}</span></label> <input type="date" id="spend_date" name="spend_date" placeholder="Enter date" onChange={handleChange} onBlur={handleBlur} value={values.spend_date} /> <label for="category">Category <span>{errors.category && touched.category && errors.category}</span></label> <select id="category" name="category" onChange={handleChange} onBlur={handleBlur} value={values.category}> <option value="">Select</option> <option value="Food">Food</option> <option value="Entertainment">Entertainment</option> <option value="Academic">Academic</option> </select> <input type="submit" value="Submit" disabled={isSubmitting} /> </form> ) } </Formik> </div> ) }
const mapDispatchToProps = { addExpense, };
最后,将组件连接到存储,并使用 WithRouter 包装组件,以通过编程方式访问路由器链接。
export default withRouter(connect( null, mapDispatchToProps )(ExpenseEntryItemForm));
import React from "react"; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { Formik } from 'formik'; import { withRouter } from "react-router-dom"; import { addExpense } from '../actions/expenseActions'; class ExpenseEntryItemForm extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.initialValues = { name: '', amount: '', spend_date: '', category: '' } } validate = (values) => { const errors = {}; if (! { = 'Required'; } if (!values.amount) { errors.amount = 'Required'; } if (!values.spend_date) { errors.spend_date = 'Required'; } if (!values.category) { errors.category = 'Required'; } return errors; } handleSubmit = (values, setSubmitting) => { setTimeout(() => { let newItem = { name:, amount: values.amount, spendDate: values.spend_date, category: values.category } this.props.addExpense(newItem); setSubmitting(false); this.props.history.push("/list"); }, 400); } render() { return ( <div id="expenseForm"> <Formik initialValues={this.initialValues} validate={values => this.validate(values)} onSubmit={(values, { setSubmitting }) => this.handleSubmit(values, setSubmitting)}> { ({ values, errors, touched, handleChange, handleBlur, handleSubmit, isSubmitting, /* and other goodies */ }) => ( <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}> <label for="name">Title <span>{ && &&}</span></label> <input type="text" id="name" name="name" placeholder="Enter expense title" onChange={handleChange} onBlur={handleBlur} value={} /> <label for="amount">Amount <span>{errors.amount && touched.amount && errors.amount}</span></label> <input type="number" id="amount" name="amount" placeholder="Enter expense amount" onChange={handleChange} onBlur={handleBlur} value={values.amount} /> <label for="spend_date">Spend Date <span>{errors.spend_date && touched.spend_date && errors.spend_date}</span></label> <input type="date" id="spend_date" name="spend_date" placeholder="Enter date" onChange={handleChange} onBlur={handleBlur} value={values.spend_date} /> <label for="category">Category <span>{errors.category && touched.category && errors.category}</span></label> <select id="category" name="category" onChange={handleChange} onBlur={handleBlur} value={values.category}> <option value="">Select</option> <option value="Food">Food</option> <option value="Entertainment">Entertainment</option> <option value="Academic">Academic</option> </select> <input type="submit" value="Submit" disabled={isSubmitting} /> </form> ) } </Formik> </div> ) } } const mapDispatchToProps = { addExpense, }; export default withRouter(connect( null, mapDispatchToProps )(ExpenseEntryItemForm));
接下来,使用 npm 命令为应用程序提供服务。
npm start
接下来,打开浏览器并在地址栏中输入 http://localhost:3000 并按回车键。

最后,我们成功创建了一个具有基本功能的简单 React 应用程序。
React 是最受欢迎和最受推荐的 UI 框架之一。正如其受欢迎程度一样,它已经开发了很长时间并且得到了积极维护。学习 React 框架是前端开发人员的一个很好的起点,并且肯定会帮助他们提高职业生涯。