MVVM – 视图/视图模型通信

在本章中,我们将学习如何为 MVVM 应用程序添加交互性以及如何干净地调用逻辑。您还将看到,所有这些都是通过维护松散耦合和良好的结构来实现的,这是 MVVM 模式的核心。要理解这一切,首先让我们了解命令。



View and ViewModel Communication


  • 调用者是一段可以执行某些命令式逻辑的代码。

  • 通常,它是 UI 框架上下文中用户与之交互的 UI 元素。

  • 它可能只是应用程序中其他地方的另一段逻辑代码。


  • 接收者是调用者触发时要执行的逻辑。

  • 在 MVVM 上下文中,接收者通常是 ViewModel 中需要的方法调用。


让我们看一个简单的例子,您将在其中学习命令以及如何使用它们在 View 和 ViewModel 之间进行通信。在本章中,我们将继续使用上一章中的相同示例。

在 StudentView.xaml 文件中,我们有一个 ListBox,它从 ViewModel 中挂接学生数据。现在让我们添加一个按钮,用于从 ListBox 中删除学生。

重要的是,使用按钮上的命令非常容易,因为它们具有命令属性,可以连接到 ICommand。

因此,我们可以在 ViewModel 上公开一个具有 ICommand 的属性,并从按钮的命令属性绑定到它,如以下代码所示。

<Button Content = "Delete" 
   Command = "{Binding DeleteCommand}" 
   HorizontalAlignment = "Left" 
   VerticalAlignment = "Top" 
   Width = "75" />

让我们在项目中添加一个新类,它将实现 ICommand 接口。以下是 ICommand 接口的实现。

using System; 
using System.Windows.Input;

namespace MVVMDemo { 

   public class MyICommand : ICommand { 
      Action _TargetExecuteMethod; 
      Func<bool> _TargetCanExecuteMethod;
      public MyICommand(Action executeMethod) {
         _TargetExecuteMethod = executeMethod; 
      public MyICommand(Action executeMethod, Func<bool> canExecuteMethod){ 
         _TargetExecuteMethod = executeMethod;
         _TargetCanExecuteMethod = canExecuteMethod; 
      public void RaiseCanExecuteChanged() { 
         CanExecuteChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); 
      bool ICommand.CanExecute(object parameter) { 
         if (_TargetCanExecuteMethod != null) { 
            return _TargetCanExecuteMethod(); 
         if (_TargetExecuteMethod != null) { 
            return true; 
         return false; 
      // Beware - should use weak references if command instance lifetime 
         is longer than lifetime of UI objects that get hooked up to command 
      // Prism commands solve this in their implementation 
      public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged = delegate { };
      void ICommand.Execute(object parameter) { 
         if (_TargetExecuteMethod != null) {

如您所见,这是一个简单的 ICommand 委托实现,其中我们有两个委托,一个用于 executeMethod,一个用于 canExecuteMethod,可在构造时传入。

在上述实现中,有两个重载构造函数,一个仅用于 executeMethod,一个用于 executeMethod 和 can canExecuteMethod。

让我们在 StudentView Model 类中添加 MyICommand 类型的属性。现在我们需要在 StudentViewModel 中构造一个实例。我们将使用带有两个参数的 MyICommand 重载构造函数。

public MyICommand DeleteCommand { get; set;} 

public StudentViewModel() { 
   DeleteCommand = new MyICommand(OnDelete, CanDelete); 

Now add the implementation of OnDelete and CanDelete methods.

private void OnDelete() { 

private bool CanDelete() { 
   return SelectedStudent != null; 

我们还需要添加一个新的 SelectedStudent,以便用户可以从 ListBox 中删除选定的项目。

private Student _selectedStudent;
public Student SelectedStudent { 
   get { 
      return _selectedStudent; 
   set { 
      _selectedStudent = value;

以下是 ViewModel 类的完整实现。

using MVVMDemo.Model; 

using System.Collections.ObjectModel; 
using System.Windows.Input; 
using System;

namespace MVVMDemo.ViewModel { 

   public class StudentViewModel { 
      public MyICommand DeleteCommand { get; set;} 
      public StudentViewModel() { 
         DeleteCommand = new MyICommand(OnDelete, CanDelete); 
      public ObservableCollection<Student> Students { 
      public void LoadStudents() { 
         ObservableCollection<Student> students = new ObservableCollection<Student>();
         students.Add(new Student { FirstName = "Mark", LastName = "Allain" }); 
         students.Add(new Student { FirstName = "Allen", LastName = "Brown" }); 
         students.Add(new Student { FirstName = "Linda", LastName = "Hamerski" }); 
         Students = students; 
      private Student _selectedStudent; 
      public Student SelectedStudent { 
         get {
            return _selectedStudent; 
         set { 
            _selectedStudent = value;
      private void OnDelete() { 
      private bool CanDelete() { 
         return SelectedStudent != null; 

在 StudentView.xaml 中,我们需要在 ListBox 中添加 SelectedItem 属性,该属性将绑定到 SelectStudent 属性。

<ListBox ItemsSource = "{Binding Students}" SelectedItem = "{Binding SelectedStudent}"/>

Following is the complete xaml file.

<UserControl x:Class = "MVVMDemo.Views.StudentView" 
   xmlns = "" 
   xmlns:x = "" 
   xmlns:mc = "" 
   xmlns:d = "" 
   xmlns:local = "clr-namespace:MVVMDemo.Views" 
   xmlns:viewModel = "clr-namespace:MVVMDemo.ViewModel" 
   xmlns:data = "clr-namespace:MVVMDemo.Model" 
   xmlns:vml = "clr-namespace:MVVMDemo.VML" 
   vml:ViewModelLocator.AutoHookedUpViewModel = "True" 
   mc:Ignorable = "d"
   d:DesignHeight = "300" d:DesignWidth = "300">
      <DataTemplate DataType = "{x:Type data:Student}"> 
         <StackPanel Orientation = "Horizontal"> 
            <TextBox Text = "{Binding Path = FirstName, Mode = TwoWay}" 
               Width = "100" Margin = "3 5 3 5"/> 
            <TextBox Text = "{Binding Path = LastName, Mode = TwoWay}" 
               Width = "100" Margin = "0 5 3 5"/> 
            <TextBlock Text = "{Binding Path = FullName, Mode = OneWay}" 
               Margin = "0 5 3 5"/> 
      <StackPanel Orientation = "Horizontal"> 
         <ListBox ItemsSource = "{Binding Students}" 
            SelectedItem = "{Binding SelectedStudent}"/> 
         <Button Content = "Delete" 
            Command = "{Binding DeleteCommand}"
            HorizontalAlignment = "Left" 
            VerticalAlignment = "Top" 
            Width = "75" /> 


View and ViewModel Communication MainWindow1


View and ViewModel Communication MainWindow2


View and ViewModel Communication MainWindow3
