MVVM – 依赖注入
在过去几年中,依赖注入和控制反转 (IoC) 在开发人员中越来越受欢迎,并且优先于一些较旧的解决方案(例如单例模式)。
依赖注入 / IoC 容器
IoC 和依赖注入是两种密切相关的设计模式,容器基本上是一段基础架构代码,可为您执行这两种模式。
IoC 模式是关于委托构建责任,而依赖注入模式是关于向已构建的对象提供依赖项。
它们都可以被视为构建的两阶段方法。当您使用容器时,容器将承担以下几项职责 −
- 当被要求时,它会构造一个对象。
- 容器将确定该对象所依赖的内容。
- 构造这些依赖项。
- 将它们注入到正在构造的对象中。
- 以递归方式执行过程。
让我们看看如何使用依赖注入来打破 ViewModel 和客户端服务之间的解耦。我们将使用与之相关的依赖注入来连接保存处理 AddEditCustomerViewModel 表单。
首先,我们需要在 Services 文件夹中的项目中创建一个新接口。如果您的项目中没有服务文件夹,请先创建它并在 Services 文件夹中添加以下接口。
using MVVMHierarchiesDemo.Model; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace MVVMHierarchiesDemo.Services { public interface ICustomersRepository { Task<List<Customer>> GetCustomersAsync(); Task<Customer> GetCustomerAsync(Guid id); Task<Customer> AddCustomerAsync(Customer customer); Task<Customer> UpdateCustomerAsync(Customer customer); Task DeleteCustomerAsync(Guid customerId); } }
Following is the implementation of ICustomersRepository.
using MVVMHierarchiesDemo.Model; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace MVVMHierarchiesDemo.Services { public class CustomersRepository : ICustomersRepository { ZzaDbContext _context = new ZzaDbContext(); public Task<List<Customer>> GetCustomersAsync() { return _context.Customers.ToListAsync(); } public Task<Customer> GetCustomerAsync(Guid id) { return _context.Customers.FirstOrDefaultAsync(c => c.Id == id); } public async Task<Customer> AddCustomerAsync(Customer customer){ _context.Customers.Add(customer); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return customer; } public async Task<Customer> UpdateCustomerAsync(Customer customer) { if (!_context.Customers.Local.Any(c => c.Id == customer.Id)) { _context.Customers.Attach(customer); } _context.Entry(customer).State = EntityState.Modified; await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return customer; } public async Task DeleteCustomerAsync(Guid customerId) { var customer = _context.Customers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == customerId); if (customer != null) { _context.Customers.Remove(customer); } await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } } }
执行保存处理的简单方法是在 AddEditCustomerViewModel 中添加 ICustomersRepository 的新实例并重载 AddEditCustomerViewModel 和 CustomerListViewModel 构造函数。
private ICustomersRepository _repo; public AddEditCustomerViewModel(ICustomersRepository repo) { _repo = repo; CancelCommand = new MyIcommand(OnCancel); SaveCommand = new MyIcommand(OnSave, CanSave); }
Update the OnSave method as shown in the following code.
private async void OnSave() { UpdateCustomer(Customer, _editingCustomer); if (EditMode) await _repo.UpdateCustomerAsync(_editingCustomer); else await _repo.AddCustomerAsync(_editingCustomer); Done(); } private void UpdateCustomer(SimpleEditableCustomer source, Customer target) { target.FirstName = source.FirstName; target.LastName = source.LastName; target.Phone = source.Phone; target.Email = source.Email; }
以下是完整的 AddEditCustomerViewModel。
using MVVMHierarchiesDemo.Model; using MVVMHierarchiesDemo.Services; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace MVVMHierarchiesDemo.ViewModel { class AddEditCustomerViewModel : BindableBase { private ICustomersRepository _repo; public AddEditCustomerViewModel(ICustomersRepository repo) { _repo = repo; CancelCommand = new MyIcommand(OnCancel); SaveCommand = new MyIcommand(OnSave, CanSave); } private bool _EditMode; public bool EditMode { get { return _EditMode; } set { SetProperty(ref _EditMode, value); } } private SimpleEditableCustomer _Customer; public SimpleEditableCustomer Customer { get { return _Customer; } set { SetProperty(ref _Customer, value); } } private Customer _editingCustomer = null; public void SetCustomer(Customer cust) { _editingCustomer = cust; if (Customer != null) Customer.ErrorsChanged -= RaiseCanExecuteChanged; Customer = new SimpleEditableCustomer(); Customer.ErrorsChanged += RaiseCanExecuteChanged; CopyCustomer(cust, Customer); } private void RaiseCanExecuteChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaveCommand.RaiseCanExecuteChanged(); } public MyIcommand CancelCommand { get; private set; } public MyIcommand SaveCommand { get; private set; } public event Action Done = delegate { }; private void OnCancel() { Done(); } private async void OnSave() { UpdateCustomer(Customer, _editingCustomer); if (EditMode) await _repo.UpdateCustomerAsync(_editingCustomer); else await _repo.AddCustomerAsync(_editingCustomer); Done(); } private void UpdateCustomer(SimpleEditableCustomer source, Customer target) { target.FirstName = source.FirstName; target.LastName = source.LastName; target.Phone = source.Phone; target.Email = source.Email; } private bool CanSave() { return !Customer.HasErrors; } private void CopyCustomer(Customer source, SimpleEditableCustomer target) { target.Id = source.Id; if (EditMode) { target.FirstName = source.FirstName; target.LastName = source.LastName; target.Phone = source.Phone; target.Email = source.Email; } } } }
编译并执行上述代码后,您将看到相同的输出,但现在 ViewModel 的解耦程度更低。
