报告包含文本元素,每个文本元素都可以有自己的字体设置。可以使用 <textElement> 标记中的 <font> 标记指定这些设置。报告可以定义多种字体。定义后,它们可以用作整个报告中其他字体定义的默认或基本字体设置。
报告字体现已弃用。请勿使用在文档本身内声明的 <reportFont/> 元素。使用 <style/>元素。
下表总结了 <font> 元素的主要属性 −
S.NO | 属性和说明 |
1 | fontName 字体名称,可以是物理字体的名称、逻辑字体的名称或已注册的 JasperReports 字体扩展中的字体系列的名称。 |
2 | size 字体大小(以磅为单位)。默认为 10。 |
3 | isBold 指定是否需要粗体字体的标志。默认为 false。 |
4 | isItalic 指定是否需要斜体字体的标志。默认为 false。 |
5 | isUnderline 指定是否需要下划线文本修饰的标志。默认为 false。 |
6 | isStrikeThrough 指定是否需要删除线文本修饰的标志。默认为 false。 |
7 | pdfFontName 将文档导出为 PDF 格式时,iText 库所需的等效 PDF 字体的名称。 |
8 | pdfEncoding 等效 PDF 字符编码,也是 iText 库所必需的。 |
9 | isPdfEmbedded 指定字体是否应嵌入文档本身的标志。默认为 false。如果设置为 true,则有助于无问题地查看 PDF 文档。 |
在 JasperReports 中,字体可分为 −
逻辑字体 − Java 平台自 1.0 版以来已识别了五种字体类型,称为逻辑字体。这些是 − Serif、SansSerif、Monospaced、Dialog 和 DialogInput。这些逻辑字体不是安装在系统任何地方的实际字体库。它们只是 Java 运行时识别的字体类型名称。这些必须映射到系统上安装的某些物理字体。
物理字体 − 这些字体是实际的字体库,例如由 TrueType 或 PostScript Type 1 字体组成。物理字体可能是 Arial、Time、Helvetica、Courier 或任何其他字体,包括国际字体。
字体扩展 − JasperReports 库可以通过其内置的字体扩展支持在运行时使用即时注册的字体。可以使用字体扩展向 JasperReports 提供字体系列列表。它们由外观相似的字体组成,并支持特定的语言环境。
如上表所述,我们需要在属性 fontName 中指定物理字体的名称、逻辑字体的名称或已注册的 JasperReports 字体扩展中的字体系列的名称。
PDF 字体名称
在将报告导出为 PDF(可移植文档格式)时,JasperReports 库使用 iText 库。PDF 文件可以在各种平台上查看,并且看起来总是一样。部分原因是这种格式有一种处理字体的特殊方法。fontName 属性在导出为 PDF 时没有用。属性 pdfFontName 存在于我们需要指定字体设置的地方。
iText 库知道如何处理内置字体和 TTF 文件,并识别以下内置字体名称 −
- Courier
- Courier-Bold
- Courier-BoldOblique
- Courier-Oblique
- Helvetica
- Helvetica-Bold
- Helvetica-BoldOblique
- Helvetica-Oblique
- Symbol
- Times-Roman
- Times-Bold
- Times-BoldItalic
- Times-Italic
- ZapfDingbats
根据 iText 库先决条件,要使用字体,我们需要指定以下之一作为字体名称 −
可在磁盘上找到的 TTF(True Type Font)文件的名称。
字体的真实名称,前提是包含字体的 TTF 文件先前已在 iText 中注册,或者在注册字体时定义了别名。
根据上述先决条件,pdfFontName 属性可以包含以下之一值 −
来自上述列表的内置 PDF 字体的名称。
导出时可在运行时位于磁盘上的 TTF 文件的名称转换为 PDF。
在 iText 中注册为字体文件的字体的密钥后缀(net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.font 之后的部分)。
每个文本元素都从其父元素继承字体和样式属性,而父元素又从其父元素继承这些属性。如果未为元素定义样式和/或字体,则将应用在 <jasperReport/> 根元素中声明的默认样式(和/或字体 - 但现在已弃用)。
在 JasperReports 中定义默认样式或字体不是强制性的。如果未为给定元素定义字体,则引擎将查找继承的字体属性,或者,如果以这种方式未找到任何属性,它将查找 /src/default.jasperreports.properties 文件中的 net.sf.jasperreports.default.font.name 属性。其值定义了当没有为文本元素明确定义字体属性或从其父元素继承字体属性时要使用的字体系列的名称。
在 /src/default.jasperreports.properties 文件中定义的主要默认字体属性及其值如下表所示 −
属性 | 描述 |
net.sf.jasperreports.default.font.name=SansSerif | 默认字体名称。 |
net.sf.jasperreports.default.font.size=10 | 默认字体大小。 |
net.sf.jasperreports.default.pdf.font.name=Helvetica | 默认 PDF 字体。 |
net.sf.jasperreports.default.pdf.encoding=Cp1252 | 默认 PDF 字符编码。 |
net.sf.jasperreports.default.pdf.embedded=false | 默认情况下,PDF 字体不是嵌入。 |
为了演示如何使用字体和字体属性来获得特定的文本外观,让我们编写新的报告模板 (jasper_report_template.jrxml)。JRXML 的内容如下。将其保存到 C:\tools\jasperreports-5.0.1\test 目录。在这里,我们将以各种字体格式在报告标题中显示文本。
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?> <jasperReport xmlns = "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports" xmlns:xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation = "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/jasperreport.xsd" name = "jasper_report_template" pageWidth = "595" pageHeight = "842" columnWidth = "555" leftMargin = "20" rightMargin = "20" topMargin = "30" bottomMargin = "30"> <title> <band height = "682"> <staticText> <reportElement x = "0" y = "50" width = "150" height = "40"/> <textElement/> <text> <![CDATA[Welcome to TutorialsPoint!]]> </text> </staticText> <staticText> <reportElement x = "160" y = "50" width = "390" height = "40"/> <textElement/> <text> <![CDATA[<staticText> <reportElement x = "0" y = "50" width = "150" height = "40"/> <text>Welcome to TutorialsPoint!</text></staticText>]]> </text> </staticText> <staticText> <reportElement x = "0" y = "100" width = "150" height = "40"/> <textElement> <font size = "12"/> </textElement> <text><![CDATA[Welcome to TutorialsPoint!]]></text> </staticText> <staticText> <reportElement x = "160" y = "100" width = "390" height = "40"/> <textElement/> <text> <![CDATA[<staticText> <reportElement x = "0" y = "100" width = "150" height = "40"/> <textElement> <font size = "14"/> </textElement> <text> Welcome to TutorialsPoint!</text></staticText>]]> </text> </staticText> <staticText> <reportElement x = "0" y = "150" width = "150" height = "40"/> <textElement> <font fontName = "DejaVu Serif" size = "12" isBold = "false"/> </textElement> <text><![CDATA[Welcome to TutorialsPoint!]]></text> </staticText> <staticText> <reportElement x = "160" y = "150" width = "390" height = "40"/> <textElement/> <text> <![CDATA[<staticText> <reportElement x = "0" y = "250" width = "150" height = "40"/> <textElement> <font fontName = "DejaVu Serif" size = "12" isBold = "false"/> </textElement> <text>Welcome to TutorialsPoint!</text></staticText>]]> </text> </staticText> <staticText> <reportElement x = "0" y = "200" width = "150" height = "40"/> <textElement> <font fontName = "DejaVu Serif" size = "12" isBold = "true"/> </textElement> <text><![CDATA[Welcome to TutorialsPoint!]]></text> </staticText> <staticText> <reportElement x = "160" y = "200" width = "390" height = "40"/> <textElement/> <text> <![CDATA[<staticText> <reportElement x = "0" y = "300" width = "150" height = "40"/> <textElement> <font fontName = "DejaVu Serif" size = "12" isBold = "true"/> </textElement> <text>Welcome to TutorialsPoint!</text></staticText>]]> </text> </staticText> <staticText> <reportElement x = "0" y = "250" width = "150" height = "40"/> <textElement> <font fontName = "Monospaced" size = "12" isItalic = "true" isUnderline = "true" pdfFontName = "Courier-Oblique"/> </textElement> <text><![CDATA[Welcome to TutorialsPoint!]]></text> </staticText> <staticText> <reportElement x = "160" y = "250" width = "390" height = "40"/> <textElement/> <text> <![CDATA[<staticText> <reportElement x = "0" y = "350" width = "150" height = "40"/> <textElement> <font fontName = "Monospaced" size = "12" isItalic = "true" isUnderline = "true" pdfFontName = "Courier-Oblique"/> </textElement> <text>Welcome to TutorialsPoint!</text></staticText>]]> </text> </staticText> <staticText> <reportElement x = "0" y = "300" width = "150" height = "40"/> <textElement> <font fontName = "Monospaced" size = "12" isBold = "true" isStrikeThrough = "true" pdfFontName = "Courier-Bold"/> </textElement> <text><![CDATA[Welcome to TutorialsPoint!]]></text> </staticText> <staticText> <reportElement x = "160" y = "300" width = "390" height = "40"/> <textElement/> <text> <![CDATA[<staticText> <reportElement x = "0" y = "400" width = "150" height = "40"/> <textElement> <font fontName = "Monospaced" size = "12" isBold = "true" isStrikeThrough = "true" pdfFontName = "Courier-Bold"/> </textElement> <text>Welcome to TutorialsPoint!</text></staticText>]]> </text> </staticText> <staticText> <reportElement x = "0" y = "350" width = "150" height = "40" forecolor = "#FF0000"/> <textElement> <font size = "14"/> </textElement> <text><![CDATA[Welcome to TutorialsPoint!]]></text> </staticText> <staticText> <reportElement x = "160" y = "350" width = "390" height = "40"/> <textElement/> <text> <![CDATA[<staticText> <reportElement x = "0" y = "450" width = "150" height = "40" forecolor = "red"/> <textElement><font size = "14"/></textElement> <text>Welcome to TutorialsPoint!</text></staticText>]]> </text> </staticText> <staticText> <reportElement x = "0" y = "400" width = "150" height = "40" mode = "Opaque" forecolor = "#00FF00" backcolor = "#FFFF00"/> <textElement> <font fontName = "Serif" size = "12" isBold = "true" pdfFontName = "Times-Bold"/> </textElement> <text><![CDATA[Welcome to TutorialsPoint!]]></text> </staticText> <staticText> <reportElement x = "160" y = "400" width = "390" height = "40"/> <textElement/> <text> <![CDATA[<staticText> <reportElement x = "0" y = "500" width = "150" height = "40" forecolor = "green" backcolor = "#FFFF00" mode = "Opaque"/> <textElement> <font fontName = "Serif" size = "12" isBold = "true" pdfFontName = "Times-Bold"/> </textElement> <text>Welcome to TutorialsPoint!</text></staticText>]]> </text> </staticText> <staticText> <reportElement x = "0" y = "450" width = "150" height = "40" mode = "Opaque" forecolor = "#0000FF" backcolor = "#FFDD99"/> <textElement textAlignment = "Center" verticalAlignment = "Middle"> <font fontName = "SansSerif" size = "12" isBold = "false" isItalic = "true" pdfFontName = "Sans.Slanted" isPdfEmbedded = "true"/> </textElement> <text><![CDATA[Welcome to TutorialsPoint!]]></text> </staticText> <staticText> <reportElement x = "160" y = "450" width = "390" height = "40"/> <textElement/> <text> <![CDATA[<staticText> <reportElement x = "0" y = "550" width = "150" height = "90" forecolor = "blue" backcolor = "#FFDD99" mode = "Opaque"/> <textElement textAlignment = "Center" verticalAlignment = "Middle"> <font fontName = "SansSerif" size = "12" isBold = "false" pdfFontName = "Sans.Slanted" isPdfEmbedded = "true"/> </textElement> <text>Welcome to TutorialsPoint!</text></staticText>]]> </text> </staticText> <staticText> <reportElement mode = "Opaque" x = "0" y = "500" width = "150" height = "40" forecolor = "#FF0000" backcolor = "#99DDFF"/> <textElement textAlignment = "Right" verticalAlignment = "Bottom"> <font fontName = "SansSerif" size = "12" isBold = "true" pdfFontName = "DejaVu Sans Bold" isPdfEmbedded = "true"/> </textElement> <text><![CDATA[Welcome to TutorialsPoint!]]></text> </staticText> <staticText> <reportElement x = "160" y = "500" width = "390" height = "40"/> <textElement/> <text> <![CDATA[<staticText> <reportElement x = "0" y = "650" width = "150" height = "90" forecolor = "red" backcolor = "#99DDFF" mode = "Opaque"/> <textElement textAlignment = "Right" verticalAlignment = "Bottom"> <font fontName = "SansSerif" size = "12" isBold = "true" pdfFontName = "DejaVu Sans Bold" isPdfEmbedded = "true"/> </textElement> <text>Welcome to TutorialsPoint!</text></staticText>]]> </text> </staticText> </band> </title> </jasperReport>
填写并生成报告的 Java 代码如下所示。让我们将此文件 JasperFontsReportFill.java 保存到 C:\tools\jasperreports-5.0.1\test\src\com.tutorialspoint 目录。
package com.tutorialspoint; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JREmptyDataSource; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager; public class JasperFontsReportFill { public static void main(String[] args) { String sourceFileName = "C://tools/jasperreports-5.0.1/test/" + "jasper_report_template.jasper"; try { JasperFillManager.fillReportToFile(sourceFileName, null, new JREmptyDataSource()); } catch (JRException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } }
此处,我们在填充报告时使用 JREmptyDataSource 的一个实例来模拟一个包含一条记录但所有字段均为 null 的数据源。
我们将使用常规 ANT 构建过程编译并执行上述文件。文件 build.xml(保存在目录 C:\tools\jasperreports-5.0.1\test 下)的内容如下所示。
导入文件 - baseBuild.xml 取自环境设置一章,应将其放在与 build.xml 相同的目录中。
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?> <project name = "JasperReportTest" default = "viewFillReport" basedir = "."> <import file = "baseBuild.xml" /> <target name = "viewFillReport" depends = "compile,compilereportdesing,run" description = "Launches the report viewer to preview the report stored in the .JRprint file."> <java classname = "net.sf.jasperreports.view.JasperViewer" fork = "true"> <arg value = "-F${file.name}.JRprint" /> <classpath refid = "classpath" /> </java> </target> <target name = "compilereportdesing" description = "Compiles the JXML file and produces the .jasper file."> <taskdef name = "jrc" classname = "net.sf.jasperreports.ant.JRAntCompileTask"> <classpath refid = "classpath" /> </taskdef> <jrc destdir = "."> <src> <fileset dir = "."> <include name = "*.jrxml" /> </fileset> </src> <classpath refid = "classpath" /> </jrc> </target> </project>
接下来,让我们打开命令行窗口并转到放置 build.xml 的目录。最后,执行命令 ant -Dmain-class=com.tutorialspoint.JasperFontsReportFill(viewFullReport 是默认目标),如下所示 −
C:\tools\jasperreports-5.0.1\test>ant -Dmain-class=com.tutorialspoint.JasperFontsReportFill Buildfile: C:\tools\jasperreports-5.0.1\test\build.xml clean-sample: [delete] Deleting directory C:\tools\jasperreports-5.0.1\test\classes [delete] Deleting: C:\tools\jasperreports-5.0.1\test\jasper_report_template.jasper [delete] Deleting: C:\tools\jasperreports-5.0.1\test\jasper_report_template.jrprint compile: [mkdir] Created dir: C:\tools\jasperreports-5.0.1\test\classes [javac] C:\tools\jasperreports-5.0.1\test\baseBuild.xml:28: warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build. [javac] Compiling 5 source files to C:\tools\jasperreports-5.0.1\test\classes compilereportdesing: [jrc] Compiling 1 report design files. [jrc] log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRXmlDigesterFactory). [jrc] log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. [jrc] log4j:WARN See http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for more info. [jrc] File : C:\tools\jasperreports-5.0.1\test\jasper_report_template.jrxml ... OK. run: [echo] Runnin class : com.tutorialspoint.JasperFontsReportFill [java] log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (net.sf.jasperreports.extensions.ExtensionsEnvironment). [java] log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. viewFillReport: [java] log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (net.sf.jasperreports.extensions.ExtensionsEnvironment). [java] log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 45 minutes 3 seconds
上述编译的结果是,打开了一个 JasperViewer 窗口,如下图所示 −

在这里,我们可以看到文本"Welcome to TutorialsPoint"以不同的字体格式显示。