CoffeeScript - 赋值运算符
CoffeeScript 支持以下赋值运算符 −
Sr.No | 运算符和说明 | 示例 |
1 | = (简单赋值) 将右侧操作数的值赋给左侧操作数 |
C = A + B 会将 A + B 的值赋给 C |
2 | += (添加和赋值) 它将右操作数与左操作数相加,并将结果赋给左操作数。 |
C += A 等同于 C = C + A |
3 | -= (减法和赋值) 它从左操作数中减去右操作数,并将结果赋给左操作数。 |
C -= A 等同于 C = C - A |
4 | *= (乘法和赋值) 它将右操作数与左操作数相乘,并将结果赋给左操作数。 |
C *= A 等同于 C = C * A |
5 | /= (除法和赋值) 它将左操作数与右操作数相除,并将结果赋给左操作数。 |
C /= A 等同于 C = C / A |
6 | %= (取模和赋值) 它使用两个操作数取模并将结果分配给左操作数。 |
C %= A 等同于 C = C % A |
注意 − 相同的逻辑适用于按位运算符,因此它们将变得像 <<=, >>=, >>=, &=, |= 和 ^=。
以下示例演示了 CoffeeScript 中赋值运算符的用法。 将此代码保存在名为 assignment 的文件中
a = 33 b = 10 console.log "The value of a after the operation (a = b) is " result = a = b console.log result console.log "The value of a after the operation (a += b) is " result = a += b console.log result console.log "The value of a after the operation (a -= b) is " result = a -= b console.log result console.log "The value of a after the operation (a *= b) is " result = a *= b console.log result console.log "The value of a after the operation (a /= b) is " result = a /= b console.log result console.log "The value of a after the operation (a %= b) is " result = a %= b console.log result
打开命令提示符并编译.coffee 文件,如下所示。
c:/> coffee -c assignment
在编译时,它会提供以下 JavaScript。
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.10.0 (function() { var a, b, result; a = 33; b = 10; console.log("The value of a after the operation (a = b) is "); result = a = b; console.log(result); console.log("The value of a after the operation (a += b) is "); result = a += b; console.log(result); console.log("The value of a after the operation (a -= b) is "); result = a -= b; console.log(result); console.log("The value of a after the operation (a *= b) is "); result = a *= b; console.log(result); console.log("The value of a after the operation (a /= b) is "); result = a /= b; console.log(result); console.log("The value of a after the operation (a %= b) is "); result = a %= b; console.log(result); }).call(this);
现在,再次打开命令提示符 并运行 CoffeeScript 文件,如下所示。
c:/> coffee assignment
执行时,CoffeeScript 文件产生以下输出。
The value of a after the operation (a = b) is 10 The value of a after the operation (a += b) is 20 The value of a after the operation (a -= b) is 10 The value of a after the operation (a *= b) is 100 The value of a after the operation (a /= b) is 10 The value of a after the operation (a %= b) is 0