NLP 中 WordNet 中单词的同义词集

machine learningpythonserver side programmingprogramming


WordNet 是 NLTK 库中存在的大型单词数据库,可用于多种语言的自然语言相关用例。NLTK 库有一个称为 Synset 的接口,允许我们在 WordNet 中查找单词。动词、名词等被分组为日落。

WordNet 和同义词集

下图显示了 WordNet 的结构。

在 WordNet 中,单词之间的关系得以维护。例如,sad 等词很相似,在相似的上下文中也能找到应用。这些词在使用过程中可以互换。这些词被归类为同义词集。每个同义词集都相互链接并具有其含义。这些同义词集由于其概念关系而相互关联。

WordNet 中可能存在的关系是 Hypernym 和 Hyponymn

  • Hypernym − Hypernym 是一个更抽象的术语。例如,如果我们将颜色与其类型(如蓝色、绿色、黄色等)联系起来,那么颜色就是上位词。

  • 下位词 − 在上述颜色示例中,黄色、绿色等单个颜色被称为下位词,它们更加具体。


import nltk'wordnet')
from nltk.corpus import wordnet
synset = wordnet.synsets('book')[0]
print ("Name of the synset",
print ("Meaning of the synset : ", synset.definition())
print ("Example of the synset : ", synset.examples())
print ("Abstract terminology ", synset.hypernyms())
print ("Specific terminology :  ",synset.hypernyms()[0].hyponyms())
print ("hypernerm ( ROOT) :  ", synset.root_hypernyms())


Name of the synset book.n.02
Synset meaning :  physical objects consisting of a number of pages bound together
Synset example :  ['he used a large book as a doorstop']
Abstract terminology  [Synset('publication.n.01')]
Specific terminology :   [Synset('book.n.01'), Synset('collection.n.02'), Synset('impression.n.06'), Synset('magazine.n.01'), Synset('new_edition.n.01'), Synset('periodical.n.01'), Synset('read.n.01'), Synset('reference.n.08'), Synset('reissue.n.01'), Synset('republication.n.01'), Synset('tip_sheet.n.01'), Synset('volume.n.04')]
hypernerm ( ROOT) :   [Synset('entity.n.01')]


!pip install pattern
from pattern.en import parse,singularize,pluralize
from pattern.en import pprint
pprint(parse("Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a bucket of water", relations=True, lemmata=True))
print("Plural of cat :", pluralize('cat'))
print("Singular of leaves  :",singularize('leaves'))


WORD   TAG    CHUNK   ROLE   ID     PNP    LEMMA    
          Jack   NNP    NP      SBJ    1      -      jack     
           and   CC     NP ^    SBJ    1      -      and      
          Jill   NNP    NP ^    SBJ    1      -      jill     
          went   VBD    VP      -      1      -      go       
            up   IN     PP      -      -      PNP    up       
           the   DT     NP      SBJ    2      PNP    the      
          hill   NN     NP ^    SBJ    2      PNP    hill     
            to   TO     VP      -      2      -      to       
         fetch   VB     VP ^    -      2      -      fetch    
             a   DT     NP      OBJ    2      -      a        
        bucket   NN     NP ^    OBJ    2      -      bucket   
            of   IN     PP      -      -      PNP    of       
         water   NN     NP      -      -      PNP    water    
Plural of cat : cats
Singular of leaves  : leaf

在 spaCy 中使用 WordNet 接口

!pip install spacy-wordnet
import spacy
import nltk'wordnet')
from spacy_wordnet.wordnet_annotator import WordnetAnnotator 
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
nlp.add_pipe("spacy_wordnet", after='tagger')

spacy_token = nlp('leaves')[0]

print("Synsets : ",spacy_token._.wordnet.synsets())
print("Lemmas : ",spacy_token._.wordnet.lemmas())

print("Wordnet domains:",spacy_token._.wordnet.wordnet_domains())


Synsets :  [Synset('leave.v.01'), Synset('leave.v.02'), Synset('leave.v.03'), Synset('leave.v.04'), Synset('exit.v.01'), Synset('leave.v.06'), Synset('leave.v.07'), Synset('leave.v.08'), Synset('entrust.v.02'), Synset('bequeath.v.01'), Synset('leave.v.11'), Synset('leave.v.12'), Synset('impart.v.01'), Synset('forget.v.04')]
Lemmas :  [Lemma('leaf.n.01.leaf'), Lemma('leaf.n.01.leafage'), Lemma('leaf.n.01.foliage'), Lemma('leaf.n.02.leaf'), Lemma('leaf.n.02.folio'), Lemma('leaf.n.03.leaf'), Lemma('leave.n.01.leave'), Lemma('leave.n.01.leave_of_absence'), Lemma('leave.n.02.leave'), Lemma('farewell.n.02.farewell'), Lemma('farewell.n.02.leave'), Lemma('farewell.n.02.leave-taking'), Lemma('farewell.n.02.parting'), Lemma('leave.v.01.leave'), Lemma('leave.v.01.go_forth'), Lemma('leave.v.01.go_away'), Lemma('leave.v.02.leave'), Lemma('leave.v.03.leave'), Lemma('leave.v.04.leave'), Lemma('leave.v.04.leave_alone'), Lemma('leave.v.04.leave_behind'), 
Wordnet domains: ['diplomacy', 'book_keeping', 'administration', 'factotum', 'agriculture', 'electrotechnology', 'person', 'telephony', 'mechanics']

NLTK Wordnet 词形还原器

from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
nltk_lammetizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
print("books :", nltk_lammetizer.lemmatize("books"))
print("formulae :", nltk_lammetizer.lemmatize("formulae"))
print("worse :", nltk_lammetizer.lemmatize("worse", pos ="a"))


books : book
formulae : formula
worse : bad


同义词集是在 WordNet 中查找单词的接口。它们提供了一种非常有用的方法来寻找新词和关系,因为它们作为相似词与 WordNet 相互关联并形成一个紧密的网络。
