Watir - 截取屏幕截图
截取屏幕截图是 Watir 提供的有趣功能之一。在测试自动化期间,您可以截取屏幕截图并保存屏幕。如果发生任何错误,可以借助屏幕截图记录下来。
下面讨论了一个简单的示例以及我们截取屏幕截图的测试页面 −
browser.screenshot.save 'nameofimage.png'
<html> <head> <title>Testing UI using Watir</title> </head> <body> <script type = "text/javascript"> function wsentered() { console.log("inside wsentered"); var firstname = document.getElementById("firstname"); if (firstname.value != "") { document.getElementById("displayfirstname").innerHTML = "The name entered is : " + firstname.value; document.getElementById("displayfirstname").style.display = ""; } } </script> <div id = "divfirstname"> Enter First Name : <input type = "text" id = "firstname" name = "firstname" onchange = "wsentered()" /> </div> <br/> <br/> <div style = "display:none;" id = "displayfirstname"></div> </body> </html>
require 'watir' b = Watir::Browser.new :chrome b.goto('http://localhost/uitesting/textbox.html') t = b.text_field(id: 'firstname') // using the id of the textbox to locate the textbox t.exists? t.set 'Riya Kapoor' b.screenshot.save 'textboxbefore.png' t.value t.fire_event('onchange') b.screenshot.save 'textboxafter.png'
我们使用 Watir 截取的屏幕截图显示在此处 −