RSpec - 元数据
RSpec 是一个灵活而强大的工具。 RSpec 中的元数据功能也不例外。 元数据通常指"关于数据的数据"。 在 RSpec 中,这表示有关您的描述、上下文和it 块的数据。
RSpec.describe "An Example Group with a metadata variable", :foo => 17 do context 'and a context with another variable', :bar => 12 do it 'can access the metadata variable of the outer Example Group' do |example| expect(example.metadata[:foo]).to eq(17) end it 'can access the metadata variable in the context block' do |example| expect(example.metadata[:bar]).to eq(12) end end end
当您运行上面的代码时,您将看到以下输出 −
.. Finished in 0.002 seconds (files took 0.11301 seconds to load) 2 examples, 0 failures
元数据提供了一种在 RSpec 文件中的不同范围内分配变量的方法。 example.metadata 变量是一个 Ruby 哈希,其中包含有关示例和示例组的其他信息。
例如,让我们将上面的代码重写为如下所示 −
RSpec.describe "An Example Group with a metadata variable", :foo => 17 do context 'and a context with another variable', :bar => 12 do it 'can access the metadata variable in the context block' do |example| expect(example.metadata[:foo]).to eq(17) expect(example.metadata[:bar]).to eq(12) example.metadata.each do |k,v| puts "#{k}: #{v}" end end end
当我们运行此代码时,我们会看到 example.metadata 哈希中的所有值 −
.execution_result: #<RSpec::Core::Example::ExecutionResult:0x00000002befd50> block: #<Proc:0x00000002bf81a8@C:/rspec_tutorial/spec/metadata_spec.rb:7> description_args: ["can access the metadata variable in the context block"] description: can access the metadata variable in the context block full_description: An Example Group with a metadata variable and a context with another variable can access the metadata variable in the context block described_class: file_path: ./metadata_spec.rb line_number: 7 location: ./metadata_spec.rb:7 absolute_file_path: C:/rspec_tutorial/spec/metadata_spec.rb rerun_file_path: ./metadata_spec.rb scoped_id: 1:1:2 foo: 17 bar: 12 example_group: {:execution_result=>#<RSpec::Core::Example::ExecutionResult: 0x00000002bfa0e8>, :block=>#< Proc:0x00000002bfac00@C:/rspec_tutorial/spec/metadata_spec.rb:2>, :description_args=>["and a context with another variable"], :description=>"and a context with another variable", :full_description=>"An Example Group with a metadata variable and a context with another variable", :described_class=>nil, :file_path=>"./metadata_spec.rb", :line_number=>2, :location=>"./metadata_spec.rb:2", :absolute_file_path=>"C:/rspec_tutorial/spec/metadata_spec.rb", :rerun_file_path=>"./metadata_spec.rb", :scoped_id=>"1:1", :foo=>17, :parent_example_group=> {:execution_result=>#< RSpec::Core::Example::ExecutionResult:0x00000002c1f690>, :block=>#<Proc:0x00000002baff70@C:/rspec_tutorial/spec/metadata_spec.rb:1> , :description_args=>["An Example Group with a metadata variable"], :description=>"An Example Group with a metadata variable", :full_description=>"An Example Group with a metadata variable", :described_class=>nil, :file_path=>"./metadata_spec.rb", :line_number=>1, :location=>"./metadata_spec.rb:1", :absolute_file_path=> "C:/rspec_tutorial/spec/metadata_spec.rb", :rerun_file_path=>"./metadata_spec.rb", :scoped_id=>"1", :foo=>17}, :bar=>12}shared_group_inclusion_backtrace: [] last_run_status: unknown . . Finished in 0.004 seconds (files took 0.11101 seconds to load) 2 examples, 0 failures
您很可能不需要使用所有这些元数据,而是查看完整的描述值 −
这是根据描述块描述 + 其包含的上下文块描述 + it 块 的描述创建的句子。
这里值得注意的是,这三个字符串读起来就像一个普通的英语句子。 。 。 这是 RSpec 背后的想法之一,让测试听起来像英语的行为描述。