Polymer - Paper Card
paper-card 是一张简单的 Material Design 纸片,具有独特的相关数据。要获取目录中的 paper-card,您应该在命令提示符中使用以下命令。
bower install --save PolymerElements/paper-card
以下示例指定了 Polymer.js 中 paper-card 元素的使用。创建一个 index.html 文件并在其中添加以下代码 −
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <link rel = 'import' href = 'my-app.html'> </head> <body> <h2>Paper-Card Example</h2> <my-app></my-app> </body> </html>
现在,打开 my-app.html 文件并在其中包含以下代码。
<link rel = 'import' href = 'bower_components/polymer/polymer.html'> <link rel = "import" href = "bower_components/paper-button/paper-button.html"> <link rel = "import" href = "bower_components/paper-styles/paper-styles.html"> <link rel = "import" href = "bower_components/paper-card/paper-card.html"> <link rel = "import" href = "bower_components/iron-icons/iron-icons.html"> <link rel = "import" href = "bower_components/iron-icons/communication-icons.html"> <dom-module id = 'my-app'> <template> <style is = "custom-style"> body { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } paper-card { max-width: 500px; } .cafe-header { @apply(--paper-font-headline); } .cafe-light { color: var(--paper-grey-600); } .cafe-location { float: right; font-size: 15px; vertical-align: middle; } .cafe-reserve { color: var(--google-blue-500); } iron-icon.star { --iron-icon-width: 16px; --iron-icon-height: 16px; color: var(--paper-amber-500); } </style> <paper-card > <div class = "card-content"> <div class = "cafe-header">TutorialsPoint</div> <div class = "cafe-rating"> <iron-icon class = "star" icon = "star"></iron-icon> <iron-icon class = "star" icon = "star"></iron-icon> <iron-icon class = "star" icon = "star"></iron-icon> <iron-icon class = "star" icon = "star"></iron-icon> <iron-icon class = "star" icon = "star"></iron-icon> </div> <p>Free Tutorials</p> <p class = "cafe-light">Enjoy theory and lab at the same time, right here online. An online Lab for IT Professionals</p> </div> </paper-card> </template> <script> Polymer ({ is: 'my-app', ready: function() { this.async(function() { }); } }); </script> <dom-module>
polymer serve