MySQL 显示表按表名排序?
mysqlmysqli database
您可以使用 ORDER BY 子句对 INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES 中的 table_name 属性进行排序。分别使用 ASC 或 DESC 按升序或降序排序。语法如下 −
SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE' AND table_schema='yourDatabaseName' ORDER BY table_name DESC;
使用名称为 sample 的数据库并有一些表。首先,我们将显示所有表,然后我们将应用对表名进行排序。显示所有表的查询如下 −
mysql> show tables;
以下是输出 −
+--------------------------+ | Tables_in_sample | +--------------------------+ | blobsizedemo | | insert_prevent | | insertrecord_selecttable | | insertrecordprevent | | mytable | | newlinedemo | | notequaloperator | | sumofeverydistinct | | yourtable | +--------------------------+ 9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
这是按表名排序的查询。现在,让我们使用 ORDER BY 子句按降序显示所有表 −
mysql> SELECT table_name -> FROM information_schema.tables -> WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE' AND table_schema='sample' -> ORDER BY table_name DESC;
以下是输出 −
+--------------------------+ | TABLE_NAME | +--------------------------+ | yourtable | | sumofeverydistinct | | notequaloperator | | newlinedemo | | mytable | | insertrecordprevent | | insertrecord_selecttable | | insert_prevent | | blobsizedemo | +--------------------------+ 9 rows in set (0.00 sec)