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如何从 Linux 终端测试宽带速度


要安装速度测试 CLI 命令行,它需要 Python ppi。使用以下命令安装 Python ppi 

$ sudo apt-get install python-pip

示例输出应如下所示 –

Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
   libbs2b0 libopusfile0 libqmmp-misc libqmmpui0 libsidplayfp
   linux-headers-4.2.0-27 linux-headers-4.2.0-27-generic
   linux-image-4.2.0-27-generic linux-image-extra-4.2.0-27-generic
   linux-signed-image-4.2.0-27-generic php7.0-opcache
Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.
The following extra packages will be installed:
   python-chardet-whl python-colorama python-colorama-whl python-distlib
   python-distlib-whl python-html5lib python-html5lib-whl python-pip-whl
   python-requests-whl python-setuptools python-setuptools-whl python-six-whl
   python-urllib3-whl python-wheel
Suggested packages:
Recommended packages:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
   python-chardet-whl python-colorama python-colorama-whl python-distlib

要安装 speedtest-cli,请使用以下命令 –

$ sudo pip install speedtest-cli

示例输出应如下所示 –

Downloading/unpacking speedtest-cli
   Downloading speedtest_cli-0.3.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Installing collected packages: speedtest-cli
Successfully installed speedtest-cli
Cleaning up...

要运行 Speedtest-cli,请使用以下命令 –

$ speedtest-cli

示例输出应如下所示 –

Retrieving speedtest.net configuration...
Retrieving speedtest.net server list...
Testing from Beam Telecom (
Selecting best server based on latency...
Hosted by ACT Fibernet (Hyderabad) [10.33 km]: 2.75 ms
Testing download speed........................................
Download: 23.32 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed..................................................
Upload: 14.30 Mbit/s

要获取有关 speedtest-cli 的更多信息,请使用以下命令 –

$ speedtest-cli --help

示例输出应如下所示 –

usage: speedtest-cli [-h] [--bytes] [--share] [--simple] [--list]
[--server SERVER] [--mini MINI] [--source SOURCE]
[--timeout TIMEOUT] [--secure] [--version]

Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using speedtest.net.

optional arguments:
-h, --help          show this help message and exit
--bytes             Display values in bytes instead of bits. Does not affect the image generated by --share
--share             Generate and provide a URL to the speedtest.net share results image
--simple            Suppress verbose output, only show basic information
--list              Display a list of speedtest.net servers sorted by distance
--server            SERVER Specify a server ID to test against
--mini              MINI URL of the Speedtest Mini server
--source            SOURCE Source IP address to bind to
--timeout           TIMEOUT HTTP timeout in seconds. Default 10
--secure            Use HTTPS instead of HTTP when communicating with speedtest.net operated servers
--version           Show the version number and exit

恭喜!现在,您知道了"如何从 Linux 终端测试宽带速度"。我们将在下一篇 Linux 文章中详细了解这些类型的命令。继续阅读!
