How to show the status of CAPS Lock Key in tkinter?
We can use the <Lock-KeyPress> and <Lock-KeyRelease> bindings to check if the CAPS Lock Key is ON or off. In the following example, we will create two user-defined functions "caps_lock_on()" and "caps_lock_off()" which will capture the event of Lock-KeyPress and Lock-KeyRelease and print the status on the screen.
# Import required libraries from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk # Create an instance of tkinter frame win = Tk() # Define the geometry of the window win.geometry("700x250") win.title("CAPS Lock Status") def caps_lock_on(e): label_caps.config(text="CAPS Lock is ON") def caps_lock_off(e): label_caps.config(text="CAPS Lock is OFF") label_caps = Label(win, font="Helvetica 15 bold") label_caps.pack(pady=20) win.bind("<Lock-KeyPress>", caps_lock_on) win.bind("<Lock-KeyRelease>", caps_lock_off) win.mainloop()
When the user presses the CAPS Lock, it will show its current status, whether it is ON or OFF.