C++ 程序实现自平衡二叉搜索树
c++programmingserver side programming
AVL 树是一种自平衡二叉搜索树,其中所有节点的左子树和右子树的高度差不能超过 1。
这是一个 C++ 程序实现自平衡二叉搜索树。
开始 类 avl_tree 声明以下函数: balance() = 通过获取平衡因子来平衡树。将 差异放入 bal_factor 中。如果 bal_factor > 1,则平衡 左子树。 如果 bal_factor < -1,则平衡右子树。 insert() = 在树中插入元素: 如果树为空,则将数据插入为根。 如果树不为空且数据 > 根 将数据插入为左子节点。 否则 将数据插入为右子节点。 结束。
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<sstream> #include<algorithm> #define pow2(n) (1 << (n)) using namespace std; struct avl//节点声明 { int d; struct avl *l; struct avl *r; }*r; class avl_tree { public://declare functions int height(avl *); int difference(avl *); avl * rr_rotat(avl *); avl * ll_rotat(avl *); avl * lr_rotat(avl*); avl * rl_rotat(avl *); avl * balance(avl *); avl * insert(avl *, int); void show(avl *, int); void inorder(avl *); void preorder(avl *); void postorder(avl*); avl_tree() { r = NULL; } }; int avl_tree::height(avl *t) { int h = 0; if (t != NULL) { int l_height = height(t→l); int r_height = height(t→r); int max_height = max(l_height, r_height); h = max_height + 1; } return h; } int avl_tree::difference(avl *t)//计算左右树之间的差异 { int l_height = height(t→l); int r_height = height(t→r); int b_factor = l_height - r_height; return b_factor; } avl *avl_tree::rr_rotat(avl *parent)//右旋转 { avl *t; t = parent→r; parent→r = t→l; t->l = parent; cout<<"右-右旋转"; return t; } avl *avl_tree::ll_rotat(avl *parent)//左-左旋转 { avl *t; t = parent→l; parent→l = t->r; t->r = parent; cout<<"左-左旋转"; return t; } avl *avl_tree::lr_rotat(avl *parent)//左右旋转 { avl *t; t = parent→l; parent->l = rr_rotat(t); cout<<"左右旋转"; return ll_rotat(parent); } avl *avl_tree::rl_rotat(avl *parent)//左右旋转 { avl *t; t= parent→r; parent->r = ll_rotat(t); cout<<"Right-Left Rotation"; return rr_rotat(parent); } avl *avl_tree::balance(avl *t) { int bal_factor = difference(t); if (bal_factor > 1) { if (difference(t->l) > 0) t = ll_rotat(t); else t = lr_rotat(t); } else if (bal_factor < -1) { if (difference(t->r) > 0) t = rl_rotat(t); else t = rr_rotat(t); } return t; } avl *avl_tree::insert(avl *r, int v) { if (r == NULL) { r = new avl; r->d = v; r->l = NULL; r->r= NULL; return r; } else if (v< r→d) { r->l= insert(r→l, v); r = balance(r); } else if (v >= r→d) { r->r= insert(r→r, v); r = balance(r); } return r; } void avl_tree::show(avl *p, int l)//显示树 { int i; if (p != NULL) { show(p->r, l+ 1); cout<<&" &";; if (p == r) cout << "Root → "; for (i = 0; i < l&& p != r; i++) cout << " "; cout << p→d; show(p->l, l + 1); } } void avl_tree::inorder(avl *t)//中序遍历 { if (t == NULL) return; inorder(t->l); cout << t->d << " "; inorder(t->r); } void avl_tree::preorder(avl *t)//前序遍历 { if (t == NULL) return; cout << t->d << &" &";; preorder(t->l); preorder(t->r); } void avl_tree::postorder(avl *t)//后序遍历 { if (t == NULL) return; postorder(t ->l); postorder(t ->r); cout << t→d << " "; } int main() { int c, i; avl_tree avl; while (1) { cout << "1.Insert Element into the tree" << endl; cout << "2.show Balanced AVL Tree" << endl; cout << "3.InOrder traversal" << endl; cout << "4.PreOrder traversal" << endl; cout << "5.PostOrder traversal" << endl; cout << "6.Exit" << endl; cout << "Enter your Choice: "; cin >> c; switch ©//perform switch operation { case 1: cout << "Enter value to be inserted: "; cin >> i; r= avl.insert(r, i); break; case 2: if (r == NULL) { cout << "Tree is Empty" << endl; continue; } cout << "Balanced AVL Tree:" << endl; avl.show(r, 1); cout<<endl; break; case 3: cout << "Inorder Traversal:" << endl; avl.inorder(r); cout << endl; break; case 4: cout << "Preorder Traversal:" << endl; avl.preorder(r); cout << endl; break; case 5: cout << "Postorder Traversal:" << endl; avl.postorder(r); cout << endl; break; case 6: exit(1); break; default: cout << "Wrong Choice" << endl; } } return 0; }
1.Insert Element into the tree 2.show Balanced AVL Tree 3.InOrder traversal 4.PreOrder traversal 5.PostOrder traversal 6.Exit Enter your Choice: 1 Enter value to be inserted: 13 1.Insert Element into the tree 2.show Balanced AVL Tree 3.InOrder traversal 4.PreOrder traversal 5.PostOrder traversal 6.Exit Enter your Choice: 1 Enter value to be inserted: 10 1.Insert Element into the tree 2.show Balanced AVL Tree 3.InOrder traversal 4.PreOrder traversal 5.PostOrder traversal 6.Exit Enter your Choice: 1 Enter value to be inserted: 15 1.Insert Element into the tree 2.show Balanced AVL Tree 3.InOrder traversal 4.PreOrder traversal 5.PostOrder traversal 6.Exit Enter your Choice: 1 Enter value to be inserted: 5 1.Insert Element into the tree 2.show Balanced AVL Tree 3.InOrder traversal 4.PreOrder traversal 5.PostOrder traversal 6.Exit Enter your Choice: 1 Enter value to be inserted: 11 1.Insert Element into the tree 2.show Balanced AVL Tree 3.InOrder traversal 4.PreOrder traversal 5.PostOrder traversal 6.Exit Enter your Choice: 1 Enter value to be inserted: 4 Left-Left Rotation1.Insert Element into the tree 2.show Balanced AVL Tree 3.InOrder traversal 4.PreOrder traversal 5.PostOrder traversal 6.Exit Enter your Choice: 1 Enter value to be inserted: 8 1.Insert Element into the tree 2.show Balanced AVL Tree 3.InOrder traversal 4.PreOrder traversal 5.PostOrder traversal 6.Exit Enter your Choice: 1 Enter value to be inserted: 16 1.Insert Element into the tree 2.show Balanced AVL Tree 3.InOrder traversal 4.PreOrder traversal 5.PostOrder traversal 6.Exit Enter your Choice: 3 Inorder Traversal: 4 5 8 10 11 13 15 16 1.Insert Element into the tree 2.show Balanced AVL Tree 3.InOrder traversal 4.PreOrder traversal 5.PostOrder traversal 6.Exit Enter your Choice: 4 Preorder Traversal: 10 5 4 8 13 11 15 16 1.Insert Element into the tree 2.show Balanced AVL Tree 3.InOrder traversal 4.PreOrder traversal 5.PostOrder traversal 6.Exit Enter your Choice: 5 Postorder Traversal: 4 8 5 11 16 15 13 10 1.Insert Element into the tree 2.show Balanced AVL Tree 3.InOrder traversal 4.PreOrder traversal 5.PostOrder traversal 6.Exit Enter your Choice: 1 Enter value to be inserted: 14 1.Insert Element into the tree 2.show Balanced AVL Tree 3.InOrder traversal 4.PreOrder traversal 5.PostOrder traversal 6.Exit Enter your Choice: 1 Enter value to be inserted: 3 1.Insert Element into the tree 2.show Balanced AVL Tree 3.InOrder traversal 4.PreOrder traversal 5.PostOrder traversal 6.Exit Enter your Choice: 1 Enter value to be inserted: 7 1.Insert Element into the tree 2.show Balanced AVL Tree 3.InOrder traversal 4.PreOrder traversal 5.PostOrder traversal 6.Exit Enter your Choice: 1 Enter value to be inserted: 9 1.Insert Element into the tree 2.show Balanced AVL Tree 3.InOrder traversal 4.PreOrder traversal 5.PostOrder traversal 6.Exit Enter your Choice: 1 Enter value to be inserted: 52 Right-Right Rotation 1.Insert Element into the tree 2.show Balanced AVL Tree 3.InOrder traversal 4.PreOrder traversal 5.PostOrder traversal 6.Exit Enter your Choice: 6