Angular Material - 滑动

滑动功能适用于移动设备。 以下指令用于处理滑动。

  • md-swipe-down,一个 Angular 指令用于指定向下滑动元素时的自定义行为。

  • md-swipe-left,一个 Angular 指令用于指定元素向左滑动时的自定义行为。

  • md-swipe-right,一个 Angular 指令用于指定元素向右滑动时的自定义行为。

  • md-swipe-up,一个 Angular 指令用于指定元素向上滑动时的自定义行为。


以下示例展示了 md-swipe-* 的使用以及 swipe 组件的使用。


<html lang = "en">
      <link rel = "stylesheet"
         href = "">
      <script src = ""></script>
      <script src = ""></script>
      <script src = ""></script>
      <script src = ""></script>
      <script src = ""></script>
      <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "">
         .swipeContainer .demo-swipe {
            padding: 20px 10px; 			
         .swipeContainer .no-select {
            -webkit-touch-callout: none;
            -webkit-user-select: none;
            -khtml-user-select: none;
            -moz-user-select: none;
            -ms-user-select: none;
            user-select: none; 
      <script language = "javascript">
            .module('firstApplication', ['ngMaterial'])
            .controller('swipeController', swipeController);

         function swipeController ($scope) {
            $scope.onSwipeLeft = function(ev) {
               alert('Swiped Left!');
            $scope.onSwipeRight = function(ev) {
               alert('Swiped Right!');
            $scope.onSwipeUp = function(ev) {
               alert('Swiped Up!');
            $scope.onSwipeDown = function(ev) {
               alert('Swiped Down!');
   <body ng-app = "firstApplication"> 
         <div id = "swipeContainer" ng-controller = "swipeController as ctrl"
            layout = "row" ng-cloak>
            <div flex>
               <div class = "demo-swipe" md-swipe-left = "onSwipeLeft()">
                  <span class = "no-select">Swipe me to the left</span>
                  <md-icon md-font-icon = "android" aria-label = "android"></md-icon>
               <div class = "demo-swipe" md-swipe-right = "onSwipeRight()">
                  <span class = "no-select">Swipe me to the right</span>

            <div flex layout = "row">
               <div flex layout = "row" layout-align = "center center"
                  class = "demo-swipe" md-swipe-up = "onSwipeUp()">
                  <span class = "no-select">Swipe me up</span>
               <div flex layout = "row" layout-align = "center center"
                  class = "demo-swipe" md-swipe-down = "onSwipeDown()">
                  <span class = "no-select">Swipe me down</span>

