VBScript 嵌套 If 语句

另一个 IfElseIf 语句内的 IfElseIf 语句。 内部 If 语句根据最外部 If 语句执行。 这使得 VBScript 能够轻松处理复杂的情况。


VBScript 中嵌套 if 语句的语法为 −

If(boolean_expression) Then
   Statement 1
   Statement n
   If(boolean_expression) Then
      Statement 1
	  Statement n
   ElseIf (boolean_expression) Then
      Statement 1
      Statement n
	   Statement 1
	   Statement n
   End If
   Statement 1
   Statement n
End If


<!DOCTYPE html>
      <script language = "vbscript" type = "text/vbscript">
         Dim a
         a = 23

         If a > 0 Then
            Document.write "The Number is a POSITIVE Number"
            If a = 1 Then
               Document.write "The Number is Neither Prime NOR Composite"   
            Elseif a = 2 Then
               Document.write "The Number is the Only Even Prime Number"   
            Elseif a = 3 Then
               Document.write "The Number is the Least Odd Prime Number"   
               Document.write "The Number is NOT 0,1,2 or 3"   
            End If
         ElseIf  a < 0 Then
            Document.write "The Number is a NEGATIVE Number"
            Document.write "The Number is ZERO"
         End If

执行上述代码时,会产生以下结果 −

The Number is a POSITIVE Number
The Number is NOT 0,1,2 or 3
