HTML 文档最重要的标签是什么?

javascriptweb developmentfront end scripts

HTML 有各种标签,用于格式化内容、标题、对齐内容、向网站添加部分等。HTML 文档最重要的标签是 doctype、<html>、<head> 和 <body>。

doctype 是 doctype 声明类型。它用于指定文档正在使用哪个版本的 HTML。

<!DOCTYPE html>


The HTML <html> tag is the container for all other HTML elements except for the

<!DOCTYPE html> tag, which is located before the opening <html> tag. All other HTML elements are nested between the <html> and </html> tags.
The HTML <head> tag is used for indicating the head section of the HTML document. Tags included inside head tags are not displayed on browser window. The <title>…</title> tag goes inside the <html>…</html>

   <title>HTML Document</title>


HTML <body> 标签显示 HTML 文档的主要内容部分。
