Java 程序打印偶数长度的单词
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在本文中,我们将了解如何打印偶数长度的单词。String 是包含一个或多个字符并用双引号("“" )括起来的数据类型。Char 是包含字母、整数或特殊字符的数据类型。
下面是相同的演示 −
假设我们的输入是 −
输入字符串:Java 编程很酷
期望输出将是 −
长度为偶数的单词是: Java 很酷
步骤 1 - 开始 步骤 2 - 声明一个字符串,即 input_string。 步骤 3 - 定义值。 步骤 4 - 使用 for 循环遍历字符串,计算每个单词的 word.length() 模数 2,以检查长度是否完全除以 2。存储单词。 步骤 5 - 显示结果 步骤 6 - 停止
示例 1
public class EvenLengths { public static void main(String[] args) { String input_string = "Java Programming are cool"; System.out.println("The string is defined as: " +input_string); System.out.println("\nThe words with even lengths are: "); for (String word : input_string.split(" ")) if (word.length() % 2 == 0) System.out.println(word); } }
The string is defined as: Java Programming are cool The words with even lengths are: Java cool
示例 2
public class EvenLengths { public static void printWords(String input_string) { System.out.println("\nThe words with even lengths are: "); for (String word : input_string.split(" ")) if (word.length() % 2 == 0) System.out.println(word); } public static void main(String[] args) { String input_string = "Java Programming are cool"; System.out.println("The string is defined as: " +input_string); printWords(input_string); } }
The string is defined as: Java Programming are cool The words with even lengths are: Java cool