Java 程序实现 LinkedList
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在本文中,我们将了解如何实现链表。java.util.LinkedList 类操作执行的操作与双向链表相同。索引到列表中的操作将从开头或结尾遍历列表,以更接近指定索引为准。
下面是相同的演示 −
假设我们的输入是 −
Run the program
期望的输出将是 −
The elements of the linked list are: 100 150 200 250
步骤 1 - 开始 步骤 2 - 创建具有所需成员的类。 步骤 3 - 定义 ‘insert’ 函数以将元素添加到列表中。 步骤 4 - 在 ‘main’ 方法中,创建该类的新实例。 步骤 5 - 创建一个列表,并使用 ‘insert’ 方法向其中添加元素。 步骤 6 - 遍历列表,并显示当前节点中的值。 步骤 7 - 移动到下一个节点并执行相同操作。 步骤 8 - 执行此操作,直到到达列表末尾。 步骤 9 - 显示结果 步骤 10 - 停止
示例 1
public class Demo { Node head; static class Node { int data; Node next_element; Node(int element){ data = element; next_element = null; } } public static Demo insert(Demo input_list, int data){ Node new_node = new Node(data); new_node.next_element = null; if (input_list.head == null) { input_list.head = new_node; } else { Node last = input_list.head; while (last.next_element != null) { last = last.next_element; } last.next_element = new_node; } return input_list; } public static void main(String[] args){ Demo input_list = new Demo(); System.out.print("A linked list is declared: \n"); input_list = insert(input_list, 100); input_list = insert(input_list, 150); input_list = insert(input_list, 200); input_list = insert(input_list, 250); Node current_node = input_list.head; System.out.print("The elements of the linked list are: \n"); while (current_node != null) { System.out.print( + " "); current_node = current_node.next_element; } } }
A linked list is declared: The elements of the linked list are: 100 150 200 250
示例 2
public class Demo { Node head; static class Node { int data; Node next_element; Node(int element){ data = element; next_element = null; } } public static Demo insert(Demo input_list, int data){ Node new_node = new Node(data); new_node.next_element = null; if (input_list.head == null) { input_list.head = new_node; } else { Node last = input_list.head; while (last.next_element != null) { last = last.next_element; } last.next_element = new_node; } return input_list; } public static void print_list(Demo input_list){ Node current_node = input_list.head; System.out.print("The elements of the linked list are: \n"); while (current_node != null) { System.out.print( + " "); current_node = current_node.next_element; } } public static void main(String[] args){ Demo input_list = new Demo(); System.out.print("A linked list is declared: \n"); input_list = insert(input_list, 100); input_list = insert(input_list, 150); input_list = insert(input_list, 200); input_list = insert(input_list, 250); print_list(input_list); } }
A linked list is declared: The elements of the linked list are: 100 150 200 250