如何消除 Python 函数中的重复行?
pythonserver side programmingprogramming
在本文中,我们将讨论如何在 Python 中删除重复的多行。如果文件很小,只有几行,则可以手动执行从中删除重复行的过程。但是,在处理大型文件时,Python 可以提供帮助。
Python 具有用于创建、打开和关闭文件的内置方法,这使得处理文件更加容易。Python 还允许在文件打开时执行多种文件操作,例如读取、写入和附加数据。
要从 Python 文本文件或函数中删除重复的行,我们使用 Python 中的文件处理方法。文本文件或函数必须与包含 Python 程序的 .py 文件位于同一目录中。
以下是消除 Python 函数中重复行的方法
在这里,输入文件即"File.txt"包含以下数据 -
Welcome to TutorialsPoint. Welcome to TutorialsPoint. Python programming language in this file. eliminate repeated lines. eliminate repeated lines. eliminate repeated lines. Skip the line.
以下是消除 Python 函数中重复行的示例 -
import hashlib # path of the input and output files OutFile = 'C:\Users\Lenovo\Downloads\Work TP\pre.txt' InFile = r'C:\Users\Lenovo\Downloads\Work TP\File.txt' # holding the line which is already seen lines_present = set() # opening the output file in write mode to write in it The_Output_File = open(OutFile, "w") # loop for opening the file in read mode for l in open(InFile, "r"): # finding the hash value of the current line # Before performing the hash, we remove any blank spaces and new lines from the end of the line. # Using hashlib library determine the hash value of a line. hash_value = hashlib.md5(l.rstrip().encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() if hash_value not in lines_present: The_Output_File.write(l) lines_present.add(hash_value) # closing the output text file The_Output_File.close()
我们可以在以下输出中看到,输出文件中输入文件的所有重复行都被消除,输出文件包含唯一数据,如下所示 -
Welcome to TutorialsPoint. Python programming language in this file. eliminate repeated lines. Skip the line.
以下是另一个消除 Python 函数中重复行的示例 -
# path of the input and output files # Create the output file in write mode OutFile = open('C:\Users\Lenovo\Downloads\Work TP\pre.txt',"w") 11 # Create an input file in read mode InFile = open('C:\Users\Lenovo\Downloads\Work TP\File.txt', "r") # holding the line which is already seen lines_present = set() # iterate every line present in the file for l in InFile: # check whether the lines are unique if l not in lines_present: # writing all the unique lines in the output file OutFile.write(l) # adding unique lines in the lines_present lines_present.add(l) # closing the output text files OutFile.close() InFile.close()
Welcome to TutorialsPoint. Python programming language in this file. eliminate repeated lines. Skip the line.