VBA - Erase 函数

擦除函数用于重置固定大小数组的值并释放动态数组的内存。 它的行为取决于数组的类型。


Erase ArrayName
  • 固定数值数组,数组中的每个元素都重置为零。
  • 固定字符串数组,数组中的每个元素都重置为零长度""。
  • 对象数组,数组中的每个元素都被重置为特殊值 Nothing。



Private Sub Constant_demo_Click()
   Dim NumArray(3)
   NumArray(0) = "VBScript"
   NumArray(1) = 1.05
   NumArray(2) = 25
   NumArray(3) = #23/04/2013#
   Dim DynamicArray()
   ReDim DynamicArray(9)   ' 分配存储空间。
   Erase NumArray          ' 每个元素都被重新初始化。
   Erase DynamicArray      ' 数组使用的空闲内存。
   ' 所有值都将被删除。
   msgbox("The value at Zeroth index of NumArray is " & NumArray(0))
   msgbox("The value at First index of NumArray is " & NumArray(1))
   msgbox("The value at Second index of NumArray is " & NumArray(2))
   msgbox("The value at Third index of NumArray is " & NumArray(3))
End Sub


The value at Zeroth index of NumArray is 
The value at First index of NumArray is 
The value at Second index of NumArray is 
The value at Third index of NumArray is 

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