Perl m 函数
This match operator is used to match any keyword in given expression. Parentheses after initial m can be any character and will be used to delimit the regular expression statement.
Regular expression variables include $, which contains whatever the last grouping match matched; $&, which contains the entire matched string; $`, which contains everything before the matched string; and $', which contains everything after the matched string.
以下是此函数的简单语法 −
This function returns 0 on failure and 1 on success,
以下是显示其基本用法的示例代码 −
#!/usr/bin/perl -w $string = "The food is in the salad bar"; $string =~ m/foo/; print "Before: $`\n"; print "Matched: $&\n"; print "After: $'\n";
执行上述代码时,会产生以下结果 −
Before: The Matched: foo After: d is in the salad bar